Webinar Involved Engaged Improve Safety

Involved to Engaged

An Employee-Centric Approach to Improving Safety

Employee safety must come first – for the health of both workers and the bottom line.

Safe employees are more likely to trust management and be engaged in their work and willing to identify and solve problems. Changed safety processes and changed employee mindsets lead to significant quantitative benefits from increased production performances to reduced worker compensation costs and health premiums.

In this webinar, we’ll use real world examples to outline why organizations must address people and culture long before applying new tools. We will examine systematic approaches to safety excellence that focus on the human element.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to win the hearts and minds of those you lead
  • How small wins can improve overall morale and lead associates to success
  • How organizations can align plant operations to the overall strategic goals of the company
  • Achieving individual and Organizational Change

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