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Enhance Your Manufacturing Operations by Utilizing Proven methodologies
Quickly Identify and Initiate Manufacturing Improvement Projects
Knowing where to focus your improvement efforts is critical to generating quick wins for your manufacturing operations. With a singular focus, it allows organizations to set the bold and targeted goals they need to achieve. But it’s more than just completing the work. How plant managers and leaders engage their teams and work together to implement the right processes and procedures are critical to ensuring immediate success and long-term, continuous improvement gains.
For companies in need of immediate recovery or transformation, this Rapid Improvement (RI) process pinpoints specific principles of the Performance Management System and escalates implementation with focused precision providing a speedy approach to specific needs. With Performance Solutions RI, you can transform your high-impact opportunities into your greatest improvements. Organizations can take advantage of our vast knowledge of manufacturing improvement methodologies and our partnering practitioners’ ability to coach and lead your teams to successfully transform your operations.
Designed specifically for companies in need of immediate recovery or transformation, our Rapid Improvement approach identifies specific principles of our proprietary Performance Management System and escalates implementation with focused precision to unlock measurable change and efficiency in abbreviated timeframes
The Keys to Success with Performance Solutions by Milliken
- Practitioner Talent: Years of manufacturing experience has given Milliken Practitioners a deep understanding of process improvement methodologies through a hands-on, interactive approach
- Disciplined Deployment: Following through on each step of the process ensures that every associate understands the process itself and the complete continuous improvement approach behind the change
- Focused Approach: Each performance objective must be approached realistically and teams must avoid chasing unrelated opportunities
Real-World Rapid Improvement Success
A multibillion-dollar consumer foods manufacturer that produces dozens of well-known brands, ranging from soups and snacks to pasta and pizzas, with operations in more than a dozen countries, engaged with Performance Solutions by Milliken at four of its U.S. plants. The goal of this engagement was to identify and initiate aggressive improvement projects to generate $3MM in savings. Through Practitioner talent, disciplined deployment, and a practical approach, this client saw:
- 28 percent reduction in overpack waste
- 19 percent reduction in changeover times
- 31 percent reduction in minor machine stops (increase in OEE)
- 17 percent improvement in off-quality