Eliminating Coal with Cogeneration


Eliminating Coal with Cogeneration

Reducing emissions and waste with coal elimination

Constructed in 1964, our Blacksburg, SC campus is one of our largest sites for manufacturing workwear, additives and flame-resistant fabrics. True to the roots of 1900s manufacturing, coal was a primary fuel source for steam generation. To transition to a coal free operation, we invested $25 million into cogeneration, combining steam and power, which improves our energy efficiency. Our cogeneration investment went online in December 2021 and will reduce costs, emissions, and waste for years to come.

Completing such a pivotal investment required the engineering team, led by Kevin Hollifield, to demonstrate remarkable work. “Our engineering team is the heartbeat at our plants. I’m excited to move forward by saving costs and resources.”

Our cogeneration infographic highlights the process of moving to cogeneration to eliminate coal and the benefits to our 2025 Planet Goals.

Kevin Hollifield

Kevin Hollifield, Engineering Team Lead

investing in energy infographic