

Rethinking Waste

Uncovering waste solutions for biosolids

Sludge, more accurately wastewater biosolids, are waste leftover from our manufacturing processes. We’re always researching new ways of thinking about waste, but we still must deal with sludge. Through thermal drying of sludge, we’ve cut overall waste by 8% and we’re just getting started.

After experiencing a decrease in sustainable disposal outlets in 2019 for our largest waste stream, wastewater biosolids, we committed to exploring management solutions to positively impact our waste reduction goals. In 2021, we constructed our first ever biosolids dryer to reduce the amount of waste transported on public roads to disposal. Our investment will reduce more than 8,000,000 lbs. of biosolid transport and disposal per year. We’re looking for ways to incorporate thermal drying at other biosolid generation sites in 2022 and beyond.

waste management infographic